Bellevue Women's 9-Hole Golf Club

Tee Time Sign-Ups and Cancellations

Sign Ups

🕗Sign up for your next week’s tee time every Thursday at 8 pm.

Pro Tips

    • Create an account at and log in before 8 pm. (Make sure to use the same email that you provided to our club.)
    • Don’t wait to receive the email from SignUp Genius.

For more information, see the detailed how-to guide.


Before Wednesday at noon – remove yourself from the Sign-Up Genius site.

After Wednesday at noon – send an email to Kyle Huffman, Tournament Coordinator at the golf course.  Be sure to share your first and last name and the tee time you had reserved.  You can reach Kyle at: 

Please respect the course and your golf buddies and make sure to cancel if you cannot attend.