Bellevue Women's 9-Hole Golf Club

New Members

Welcome to the Bellevue Women’s 9-Hole Golf Club!

Members who join at the beginning of the season are matched with a mentor called a “Big Sister.” Your Big Sister will guide you through your first outing and will answer your questions. If you have not registered, check our Registration page to see if registration is open.

Key Elements for a Fun Season

  1. Listen to your Big Sister. 🙂
  2. Attend the New Member meeting prior to the season start. Check the season calendar for the date.
  3. Ask your Big Sister or a friend if you have questions or need help with the Tee Time Sign-Up process.
  4. Make sure to log your weekly scores with GHIN so you can establish a handicap. See Standing Rules #3 for more information.
  5. Play Ready Golf
  6. Follow golf rules, including counting all strokes. This includes whiffs (swinging and missing). Also, there are no gimmes. (Agimme putt” is a putt so short a golfer considers it unmissable, so just picks it up and counts it as holed.)
  7. You must putt out or pick up after the 10th stroke. This is scored as 10 strokes / 3 putts.
