Bellevue Women's 9-Hole Golf Club

GHIN Posting Instructions

After you golf, post your score to the GHIN Handicap system. This is a requirement for our club. If you have questions, ask your Big Sister, a friend, or our GHIN Handicap co-chairs

Handicap Posting

  1. You must post scores from all regulation courses (no par 3 courses), whenever you play according to the Rules of Golf, keep an individual score, and play with at least one other person. 
  2. Post your score immediately after playing. That way, your score will be included in the daily playing conditions calculation.
  3. If you make an error when posting your score, contact the Handicap Chairperson
  4. WORLD HANDICAP SYSTEM (WHS).  WHS is adjusted scoring.  The maximum score you can post on any hole is Net Double Bogey, defined as PAR + 2 strokes + any handicap strokes you receive for that hole.  If you are unsure about calculating Net Double Bogey, use the “Post Hole by Hole” feature in GHIN, which will automatically limit your strokes on each hole.

Where to Post Your Score

Three options: