Bellevue Women's 9-Hole Golf Club

Tee Time Sign-Ups and Cancellations

Sign Ups

🕗Sign up for your next week’s tee time every Thursday at 8 pm.

Pro Tips

    • Create an account at and log in before 8 pm. (Make sure to use the same email that you provided to our club.)
    • Don’t wait to receive the email from SignUp Genius.

For more information, see the detailed how-to guide.


To edit or delete your tee time on Sign-Up Genius on Wednesday up to 24 hours prior to  your tee time on Thursday. If you need to make a change/cancel with less than 24 hours to your tee time you must email Will Gould at the pro shop. WGOULD@PREMIERGC.COM and request to cancel your tee time.